Common Threads

August & September 2024


Through the creation of basic human care items, Common Threads serves a wide population of people in need: women and girls throughout the world who lack feminine care solutions and are forced to miss school and work during menses; newborns who lack basic infant care needs; homeless shelter residents, retirement center residents, children separated from parents, disaster survivors, and displaced community members who need bedding. Financial support of this project allows continued creation of numerous human care items. Through these gifts of handmade care items, recipients of our gifts receive our love and the love of Jesus freely extended to them.

International delivery of our products is facilitated by organizations, including Orphan Grain Train while local distribution partners include People’s City Mission, Women’s Care Center, Lincoln Pregnancy Center, Aging Partners, and more. Gifts are distributed by missionaries, pastors, nurses and teachers who share the Gospel message of Jesus.

Common Threads Ministry simultaneously benefits the participants as well as the recipients of our products by providing Christian fellowship and meaningful, purposeful work. Operating from a dedicated space on the Messiah Lutheran Church campus in Lincoln, Nebraska, the Common Threads Ministry team includes people from a variety of faith walks, ages, and abilities. In the past year, volunteers from Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas gathered to create and enjoy enriching Christian fellowship. Volunteers from ages 4 to 100 have shared their time and talents with Common Threads. Learning new skills, making new friends, and creating for others makes Common Threads Ministry so rewarding that participants regularly invite friends and family, continually expanding our team size.

Our care items provide real, tangible proof of the love of our Lord Jesus Christ from our hands to individuals in great need. You may learn more here:

Wendy Rich, MS Textiles, Clothing and Design
Director, Common Threads Ministry


  1. Thanksgiving for great studio space to work and for the many volunteers who contribute to Common Threads
  2. Common Threads receives a grant from LWML at the upcoming LWML District Convention
  3. Generous financial support to continue to provide gifts for many in our community and beyond
  4. Volunteers to help carry the ministry tasks, both big and small


Financial donations to Common Threads can be given through the Outreach envelope or by donating to Common Threads online at (make sure to include “Common Threads Ministry” in the “Notes” if making an online donation).

Donations of clean fabric (does not need to be new fabric) are welcome. Fabric can be left in the yellow barrel in the Narthex.

Thrivent Action Grants can also be requested for Common Threads! We are specifically looking for 2-4 cards for our Common Threads service day on September 15th. Please contact Wendy at for wording for your Action Grant.


Trinity members are encouraged to attend an upcoming studio day at Common Threads! On Sunday, September 15th the Common Threads Studio will be open for volunteers from 12-3PM. Please consider volunteering for even a small portion of that time!