
God has blessed us all with unique gifts and talents. There are a variety of ways to use these gifts and talents to give back to God and to bless the ministries of Trinity Lutheran Church and School.

Hand Holding Heart

Time & Talents

Everyone has talents and skills that can be used to bless our church, our school, and our neighbors! If you are interested in volunteering at Church contact Bethany at or call 402-474-0606.

If you'd like to volunteer at Trinity Lutheran School contact or call 402-466-1800.

Alternate Mobile


Trinity utilizes for online giving. To give online click here. You can sign up on a computer, tablet, or smartphone by visiting or downloading the app.

Follow instructions for setting up your own account. You can direct your giving to specific ministries or give to the general fund. If you have any questions, please contact the Church Office.


In Person

Cash or check donations can be given during worship services or mailed to the Church Office (724 S. 12th St., Lincoln, NE 68508) or School Office (1200 N. 56th St., Lincoln, NE 68504). Giving envelopes are in the pews.

A Children's Offering is received during worship services. Children may place their offerings in a basket at the front of the Sanctuary during the Offering time.