
Trinity Lutheran Church is the oldest LCMS church in Lincoln. Trinity has a rich history, rooted in the heart of Lincoln.

1881: On November 27th, Trinity Lutheran Congregation is organized by Pastor Frederick Koenig with five charter members. Pastor Koenig was serving Trinity Lutheran Church northwest of Malcolm and agreed to come to Lincoln (fifteen miles on horseback) every two weeks to conduct services.

1882: Trinity called its first pastor, extending a call to Candidate H. Frincke, a graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Trinity rents other facilities to hold services. A Christian Day School is started with two children in attendance (they are taught by Pastor Frincke in his study).

1884: A building committee (formed in 1882) had collected a building fund amounting to $755.33. Trinity’s baptized membership is 123 with 23 students enrolled in the day school.

1885: A lot on the north side of H Street between 13th and 14th is acquired from the state. Work on a new church begins immediately.

1886: Trinity’s first church was dedicated on February 7th. Pastor Frincke was teaching school full-time in addition to his ministerial duties. A vicar is called to assist at the day school.

1887: Trinity called its first regular teacher, F. Hellmann. An addition is added to the north end of the church with room for 92 pupils. School enrollment is 82.

1888: The first record of a service in English was in the fall when an English sermon was delivered at the annual mission festival.

1889: The congregation had grown to the point that it was necessary to enlarge the seating capacity of the church. A gallery was added at a cost of $500.

1892: The first “Ladies Aid” was formed by Pastor Frincke. Trinity pays $550 for its first pipe organ, a hand-pumped model.

1896: Another addition was added to the school to accommodate about 30 new students.