Trinity's children and youth meet weekly on Sunday at 9:20 a.m. between our two morning services. Sunday School is available for children ages 3 through 18. All children are welcome to participate in Sunday School!


Trinity's children (ages 3-8th Grade) can participate in a variety of different programs at Trinity. Every summer we have VBS and Blessed Bible Camp. Our Children's Christmas Program is part of a worship service in December. The Sunday School children also sing in worship several times a year. Check our social media, Calendar page, or Sunday bulletin to see what children's events are coming up!


Trinity's youth are part of the I-180 Corridor Youth Alliance which plans monthly events for middle and high school students. Trinity's youth group has several different events throughout the year. The youth group manages Trinity's parking lot during Husker football games as a fundraiser. Youth also host Advent and Lent meals and the Easter Breakfast. Check our social media, Calendar page, or Sunday bulletins to see what youth events are coming up!

Youth Coordinator

Nathan is the Youth Coordinator for Holy Savior Lutheran Church in Lincoln, and in January 2024, he helped start the I-180 Corridor Youth Alliance between Holy Savior, Trinity, and Word of Life. Nathan organizes and plans youth events and activities for the three churches to do together.

Upcoming Children & Youth Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...