
“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” - Jeremiah 31:3

Priscilla is Trinity's first Comfort Dog. Priscilla began her ministry at Trinity is 2016 and retired in August 2024. Before retirement, her schedule was very busy with regular visits to Trinity Lutheran Church & School, the Lincoln Police Department, Lincoln City Libraries, hospitals, nursing homes, and many other places in the Lincoln community. Priscilla also traveled the country with other LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs, providing comfort in times of extreme crisis and disaster.


New Dog COming SOon!

Trinity is in the process of welcoming a new LCC K-9 Comfort Dog! In May 2024, we received the good news that LCC had accepted Trinity’s application for a second Comfort Dog! With the sending of the initial $10,000 deposit, we have completed Phase 1 and are now in the “queue” for getting a second comfort dog. God is good!

Now, the journey begins in earnest. As we progress through Phases 2-6 over the next two years, we will keep you updated on what is happening and where we are in the process. If you would like to join the team for the new Comfort Dog, contact Janet Boye at