Forward is a ministry hosted by Trinity Lutheran Church that helps families by providing a monthly supplement of some of the most important items for new babies: diapers and wipes. Families can receive diapers and wipes for each child using diapers and/or pull-ups up to age 5.

Forward is open every Monday except holidays from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at the Trinity House,

733 S. 13th St., Lincoln, NE 68508.

F(ood), W(ipes), D(iapers)

  • Food

    When available, families are welcome to take up to two items per child of baby food, cereal, formula, or other donated food items for their children and families.

  • Wipes

    Families receive one package of wipes per child receiving diapers or pull-ups.

  • diapers

    Families receive one package of diapers or pull-ups for each eligible child. There are 50 diapers or 30 pull-ups in a package. We have diapers from Preemie to Size 6 and pull-ups from 2T-3T to 4T-5T.


Forward+ is a space where families can find new and gently used clothing of all sizes, households goods, toys, and books for their families. We accept donations of new and gently used items of all types for Forward+. Baby and children's clothing are especially appreciated.

HOw can I be involved?

There is a way for everyone to be a part of Forward! Click on the tabs below to learn more!

Forward is a program of love and service to families in our community. Families do not need to provide any financial or medical records.

New families can register by providing the name of the parent/guardian, names and birthdates of children who will be receiving diapers, and any contact information they would like to share. Families can also choose an “alternate pick-up person” who can pick up the diapers should the parent(s)/guardian be unavailable that month.

Forms and information for families are available in English, Spanish, Karen, and Arabic.