Miss Laura King

Younger Toddler Teacher

Bumblebee  classroom

Miss Laura King has been the lead teacher of the Trinity Lutheran Bumblebee Classroom since fall of 2024. Prior to joining the Trinity team, she taught for three years in other early childhood programs in Lincoln.

Miss Laura strives to make classroom activities fun and engaging for her young students. Daily activities include story time, snack time and craft time, as well as lots of time devoted to active movement and free play. The children enjoy the large outdoor play spaces and structures at Trinity dedicated for use by the early childhood classes.

Music plays an important role in bumblebee classroom activities - from weekly music classes to singing short songs to help children remember to wash their hands, share, and help with clean-up efforts. The students also participate in two musical performances each year - the Early Childhood Education Christmas program and the all grades Fine Arts Extravaganza in the Spring.

The Bumblebee class, which is composed of children ages 18 months and up, is paired off with the 1st grade class at Trinity Lutheran. These “class buddies” sit together during chapel and enjoy various fun activities together including reading stories and playing games.

Miss Laura brings a sense of calmness and patience to her classroom. She works to encourage self-control, patience, and communication in her young students and often employs games to keep students engaged and to keep the learning process fun.

In her free time, Miss Laura enjoys all kinds of crafts and spending time outdoors.