
Mrs. Stacy Leimbach

Students in Kindergarten will learn:

  • Art – Art History, creation of art, art criticism and analysis, aesthetics
  • Computer – Basic computer skill through twice weekly Technology classes
  • Christian Religion – Grow in faith in the Triune God, Jesus died and lives again, grow in thankfulness, take care of God’s Creation
  • Language Arts – Reading and literature, vocabulary expansion and comprehension, writing, speaking, and listening
  • Math – Counting, shapes, identification of money, addition and subtraction
  • Music – Sing a variety of songs including religious, patriotic, folk, and multicultural songs at twice-weekly Music classes
  • Physical Education – Explore different forms of movement, participate in daily moderate physical activity, identify healthy foods and lifestyles that make strong bodies
  • Science – Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Space Technology
  • Social Studies – Distinguish between past, present, and future; recognize a map of the United States of America; recognize a map of the student’s state, understand directions

1st Grade

Ms. Crystal Burgess

Students in 1st Grade will learn about the following topics:

  • Art – Explore color, line, form, shape, texture, and patterns using a variety of media
  • Christian Religion – Old Testament; God loved, forgave, and saved us through His Son Jesus
  • Computer – Basic computer skills in twice-weekly Technology classes
  • Handwriting – Write legibly, using appropriate size, shape, and spacing
  • Language Arts – Write simple sentences using correct capitalization and punctuation, identify different parts of speech, use standard English, increase writing skills
  • Math – Addition and subtraction; counting by 2s, 5s & 10s; understand the concept of zero, time, fractions, graphing, measuring
  • Music – Sing a variety of songs including religious, patriotic, folk, and multicultural songs at twice-weekly Music classes
  • Physical Education – Cooperation and sportsmanship through games, work on basic coordination skills: running, skipping, jumping rope, and ball skills including dribbling, throwing, catching, and kicking
  • Reading and Phonics – Identify and know letter sounds, read and pronounce vowel diphthongs, read books accurately and fluently at a 1st Grade reading level, reading comprehension
  • Science – Matter; stages of the human body; observing trees, sunlight, water, and soil; animals and habitats; bodies and nutrition; insects
  • Social Studies – Our community, country, and world; our country’s history and holidays; community works and transportation; map and globe skills
  • Spelling – Spell basic sight words at a 1st Grade level

2nd Grade

Ms. Candace Jurchen and Mrs. Sheila Ziems

Students in 2nd Grade will learn about the following topics:

  • Art – Works of art from around the world and famous artists, use various media and improve their artistic skills
  • Christian Religion –  Two Bible stories per week
  • Computer – Basic computer skills through twice-weekly Technology classes
  • Handwriting – Review manuscript handwriting and begin cursive handwriting; handwriting will be observed and stressed in all subjects
  • Health – Proper care of human body, identifying functions, good hygiene habits, care of mind, maintaining a drug-free body and lifestyle
  • Language Arts – Write simple sentences using correct capitalization and punctuation, identify different parts of speech, use standard English, increase writing skills
  • Math – Counting and number patterns, addition and subtraction with regrouping (borrowing and carrying), place value to 1,000, calendar reading, basic geometry, fractions, word problems
  • Memory Work –  Two sections of Scripture related to their Bible Study lessons per week; memory work may include a song the class is learning for Chapel or another special occasion
  • Music – Sing a variety of songs including religious, patriotic, folk, and multicultural songs through twice-weekly Music classes
  • Physical Education – Development of motor skills, coordination, cardiovascular strength, and endurance
  • Reading and Phonics –  Decoding and phonics, reading and following directions, vocabulary building, sequencing, finding the main idea, language skills, location and correction of grammatical errors
  • Science – Properties of matter, force, gravity, friction and work, sound and light; life science including animal movement, sounds, other physical characteristics
  • Social Studies – Communities around the world, learn about our country and its leaders past and present, geography and map work, citizenship
  • Spelling – Reinforce spelling along with strategies to help students practice correct spelling

3rd Grade

Mrs. Elke Hamann

Students in 3rd Grade will learn about the following topics:

  • Art – Meaning and appreciation of art; improve skills in the areas of drawing, painting, prints, sculpture, and crafts
  • Christian Religion –  Grow in Christian maturity, witness openly, make life application as students reflect and respond to lessons
  • Computer – Basic keyboard and computer skills at twice-weekly Technology classes
  • Handwriting – Use cursive throughout the entire school year; review all lower and upper case letters with emphasis of neatness, correct formation, and legibility
  • Language Arts – Write simple sentences using correct capitalization and punctuation, identify different parts of speech, use standard English, increase writing skills
  • Math – Review and learn concepts of place value and money, statistics and probability, algebra readiness, timed multiplication and division
  • Memory Work –  Bible passages, chapel songs, prayers, and selections from the six chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism
  • Music – Sing at Chapel, Worship Services, and other functions; attend Music class twice a week; sing a variety of songs including religious, patriotic, folk, and multicultural songs
  • Physical Education – Emphasis is placed on cardiovascular strength, physical coordination, learning special games and activities, and exhibiting Christian sportsmanship and conduct
  • Reading and Phonics –  Decoding and phonics, reading and following directions, vocabulary building, sequencing, finding the main idea, language skills, location and correction of grammatical errors
  • Science – Living things, Earth and its resources, and weather and space
  • Social Studies – Natural resources, transportation, citizenship, holidays, current events, and geography

4th Grade

Miss Rachel Hoffman

Students in 4th Grade will learn about the following topics:

  • Art – Meaning and appreciation of art; improve skills in the areas of drawing, painting, prints, sculpture, and crafts
  • Christian Religion –  God and His Word, Law, Gospel, confession, repentance, forgiveness, and grace; the Reformation; how we can share about our faith
  • Computer – Basic computer and keyboard skills in twice-weekly Technology classes
  • Handwriting – Cursive handwriting in most subject areas with emphasis on neatness, correct letter formation, and legibility
  • Language Arts – Reading, comprehension, good study skills, improving vocabulary, phonics, grammar, and composition
  • Math – Review/learn place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with whole numbers, patterns and sequences, fractions and decimals, operations with fractions, customary and metric measurement, perimeter and area, geometry
  • Memory Work –  Daily prayers, Bible passages, hymns, Luther’s Small Catechism, musical and chapel presentations
  • Music – Sing at Chapel, Worship Services, and other functions; attend Music class twice a week and sing a variety of songs including religious, patriotic, folk, and multicultural songs; learn to play recorder and read music
  • Physical Education – Learn/review exercises and stretches; sports such as volleyball, basketball, baseball/softball, soccer, and track
  • Science – Biology, Botany, Ecology, Zoology, Physics (Energy and Electricity)
  • Social Studies – Map and globe skills, the location of states and their capitals, United States history and geography, Nebraska history and geography

5th Grade

Mrs. Karissa Heun

Students in 5th Grade will learn about the following topics:

  • Art – Various activities to teach the history and appreciation of art; improve skills in the areas of drawing, painting, prints, and crafts
  • Christian Religion –  God and His Word, Law, Gospel, confession, repentance, forgiveness, and grace, the Reformation, how we can share our faith
  • Computer – Keyboard and basic computer skills through twice-weekly Technology classes
  • Handwriting – Cursive handwriting in most subject areas with emphasis on neatness, correct letter formation, and legibility
  • Language Arts – Reading, comprehension, good study skills, improving vocabulary, phonics, grammar, and composition
  • Math – Review/Learn place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions, decimals, and whole numbers; number theory and fractions; probability and statistics; geometry; customary and Metric measurement; area, volume, and perimeter; ratios, proportions, and percentages; algebra concepts
  • Memory Work –  Daily prayers, Bible passages, hymns, Luther’s Small Catechism, musical and Chapel presentations
  • Music – Sing at Chapel, Worship Services, and other functions; Music class twice a week; sing a variety of songs including religious, patriotic, folk, and multicultural songs; participate in band (optional)
  • Physical Education – Learn/review exercises and stretches; sports such as volleyball, basketball, baseball/softball, soccer, and track
  • Science – Astronomy, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics, and Engineering
  • Social Studies – Map and globe skills, review the location of states and their capitals, other countries of the Western Hemisphere, United States history and geography