“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”

Jeremiah 31:3

Priscilla is a Lutheran Church Charities trained K-9 Comfort Dog. As a LCC K-9 Comfort Dog, Priscilla is trained to the level of a service animal and can perform specific tasks when required. LCC comfort dogs bring comfort to individuals and families suffering pain or loss, calm individuals, facilitate conversations, and work with special needs individuals, veterans, and the elderly. As an LCC K-9 comfort dog, Priscilla can to respond to crisis and disaster situations. Priscilla is a purebred Golden Retriever who is AKC certified and has passed the AKC Good Citizenship Test and received her AKC certification. Priscilla visits Trinity Lutheran Church & School, Lincoln Police Department, Lincoln City Libraries, hospitals, nursing homes, and many other places in the Lincoln community. If you are interested in Priscilla visiting you or your organization, please contact Trinity Lutheran Church at 402-474-0606, email Jane Bedient at tlctopdog1@gmail.com, or send a message through Priscilla’s Facebook page.

Priscilla visits Trinity Lutheran School weekly. Students are able to spend time reading to her, petting her and relaxing with her. She is a wonderful addition to our school.