Comfort Dog:

This exciting ministry is opening doors into the lives of people in the community, the state of Nebraska and beyond.  Alongside a beautiful golden retriever, named Priscilla, our comfort dog handlers gather in teams of people to serve those in our local area nursing homes, and schools.  When disasters like tornados, sucide or car accidents, Priscilla and her team are dispatched to bring comfort and compassion.  This ministry is for those who desire to serve people who are often in desperate need.  

Adult Ministry:

Trinity supports Christian education for all ages, cradle to grave.  We are committed to helping all our members grow throug hregular and diverse Bible studies meeting at various times and places, some lasting only 4 weeks while others lasting years.

Adult Bible Study is led each week in teh Parish Hall between services (9:25-10:15) Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come for Bible Study, coffee, fellowship and a donut.  

Tuesday Morning Coffee Group meets at 6;30 a.m. at Panera's (by the mall) This group of mixed churches sutdies the gospel lesson for each week. Lyle Middendorf is the leader.


Thursday Morning Bible Study meets inthe Parish Hall at 10:00 a.m. every week.  Pastor L'Heureux is the leader.


Ruth Bible Studay Group meets in the church library, the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays (during school year) at 1:30 p.m.

Naomi Bible Studay Group meets, in the church library, the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays (during the school year) at 1:30 p.m.

Family Ministry:

At Trinity, we believe that our homes are the first place that Jesus calls us to live out our faith.  As a family made up of families, we believe that Jesus brings our homes otgether to make a difference in the community that He has placed us in.  It is our desire to live in a way that touches lives in this city, whether it be peopel that live next door or in our city shelters.  From children to teens and adults, we believe that God ahs gathered us together in this place at this time to make a difference.